Agadatantram is one of the eight basic branches of Ayurveda dealing with toxins, poisons, its symptoms, complications, related diseases and their management. In the current academic system, the department is named as ‘Agadathantra Vyavahara Ayurveda evam Vidhi vydyaka’. It includes subjects related with Ayurvedic and modern Toxicology, Forensic Medicine and Medical jurisprudence.

Objectives of Department

Curriculum and departmental activities are aimed at developing a fundamental understanding of the concept of "Visha" (poison/toxin), its kinds, symptoms, and the ability to recognise and handle major clinical issues.

Facilities of Department:

  • Departmental museum displays forensic science models and samples as well as various moist and dry samples of significant for toxicology. It contains both live and inanimate origins for the poisons, toxins, and medications utilised in toxicology.
  • Departmental library is rich with literatures starting from classical Ayurvedic texts, uncommon folklore works on toxicology in regional languages to recent books on Toxicology and Forensic Medicine
  • Academic activities preparing graduates to manage a variety of toxic circumstances, such as cumulative toxicity, are one of the department's activities. Academic training in Ayurvedic toxicology and medical law for graduates.Investigating the untapped areas of research in medical law and Ayurveda toxicity.
  • Departmental outpatient and inpatient facilities are provided at college hospital.
  • Department generally deals with poisonous bite and sting cases, Complications of toxicity and poisoning, dermatological conditions, Chronic and cumulative toxicity and related complications